Medals and Badges


Updated  Dec 2024 nof 12

Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association Badges are available from slops

If you have any Royal Naval Electrical Branch Badges that you would like to share, either as gift, loan or just a photograph, please contact us

rneba electrical branch badge

Royal Naval Electrical and other Branch Badges - A limited number and details are now on this web site - Just click here

rneba vet badge

UK Veterans Lapel Badges - All who served are entitled to a Veterans Badge. There is no qualifying length of Service. More here Also links to Arctic emblem, Bevin boys, Land Army etc

rneba pjm medal

Pingat Jasa Malaysia - Medal which the Government of Malaysia awarded to eligible British citizens, for their service in Malaya or Malaysia, including Sabah and Sarawak, between 31August 1957 and 12 August 1966 - [Please note - Applications post 2012 are no longer accepted ] More here

Lost or unclaimed medals - Information here

Medals - General information from here

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